martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

Today I will write about a future postgraduate course, i am currently in the fourth year of
chemistry and pharmacy and the idea of ​​postgraduate course i find it very interesting.

The first reason why I want to continue my studies is because today the labor field forces you
since the competition is very strong between health professionals, another reason is because I
feel that by capacity I can achieve it and I also like to study.

The course that I would like to do in the future is to obtain the specialization of a clinical
pharmacist and this course I would like to take it at the University of Chile since I find that it is
the best place in Chile to do this course.

Resultado de imagen para farmaceutico clinico

However, that does not mean that I cannot change my mind since I have not yet had my
professional practice, so I only know the work of the pharmacy.

So I also have in mind other areas apart from the clinic such as the work in the laboratory of
samples in the legal medical service.

However, before doing the course I want to work in the area that catches my attention for a
couple of months or years and see if I really like it and then make the decision to take the
postgraduate course in that area of ​​interest.

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