viernes, 4 de octubre de 2019

Today i will write about a film very interesting called Until the last man, the director of film is the famous actor Mel Gibson which to directed different film like brave heart. 

Resultado de imagen para hasta el ultimo hombre
The main characters are Desmond Doss which is contrary to violence and is the character on which the true story is based. The other character is the girlfriend of Desmond which is one nurse that to work in the hospital of the city and finally the antagonists are all the military that mock Desmond.

The plot is based in one true story about a doctor that enlist the army of USA during the second world war. The first days in the army were very bad for Desmond because must face teasing of all the military and must face one judgment because he refused to take a rifle, however he won the judgment and could go to the war without carrying a weapon.  In this war the army of USA face the army of Japan and Desmond save seventy five men without used a weapon.

Resultado de imagen para hasta el ultimo hombre

Finally Desmond earned the respect of all the military and was awarded with the hornor medal.

The film i like it because is very interesting for the people that who like war movies, also i like the film because the sound of bullets is emotional in the cinema. 

6 comentarios:

  1. Although I dont like movies from the USA, biu this one os very good.

  2. One day i hear of this film in the TV, and I think that this movie tries to say that you don't need a weapon to save people (?

  3. I have been highly recommended to watch this movie, I am told that it is very good, when I can see it

  4. I like this type of movie, I would like to watch it, I recommend you to watch "Fury", it is a excellent film.

  5. I'm glad this is not a typical USA war movie

  6. I want to see this movie, I feel I read a little spoiler
