jueves, 17 de octubre de 2019

In this blog i am going to talk about one future work that i would like to do, the job is to work as clinical pharmacologist. My idea is to start working in a hospital to get a lot of experience and then get to work in a prestigious clinic.

In this work I would like to travel but after obtaining the necessary experience and knowing how is the work of the clinical pharmacologist in other countries of the world. I would like to visit hospital and clinic in Switzerland because it is one of the world powers of chemistry and pharmacy.

The salary of one clinical pharmacologist it is relatively good because this area of the chemistry and pharmacy is relatively new and also one clinical pharmacologist is very important in the health care mainly in intensive care unit because in this place the clinical pharmacologist should regulate the infusion pumps of medications and see the interactions with medications. 

Nowadays i am in the fourth year of chemistry and pharmacy and in the future my aspiration is to do a diploma course to obtain the clinical pharmacologist specialization and in this way get the job.

Something i would like to point out is that the area of clinical pharmacologist in our country not many years old and the diploma course in the university of Chile is it one of the first that exist in this area.

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